Are you looking to start a go-kart center but not sure what kind of go-kart track design to choose? In today’s age, there are two main types of go-kart tracks – single-level and multi-level. Each track style has its own pros and cons for why a new business owner might consider one over the other.
History of Multi-Level Go-Kart Tracks
Multi-level go-kart tracks have existed for several decades with some of the first known outdoor locations dating back to the 1990’s in the United States. These early multi-level designs utilized a variety of materials for construction which include the use of wood or steel and concrete to erect these locations and featured low speed go-karting experiences.
Multi-level go-kart track designs began to advance in the late 2010’s with improved material science and engineering using steel structures to create the ramps, bridge structures, and other elements. These design changes have introduced a new crop of multi-level track designs that are taking over the go-kart industry for both indoor and outdoor karting venues.
Multi-Level Track Designs and Regulations
Multi-level go-kart track designs use elements of flat track designs on the ground level and a wide variety of materials to create the ramps, bridges, structures, and elevation changes for the multiple levels that come together to build a truly unique go-kart racing experience for end users. Due to the structural elements of a multi-level track, there are some design limitations inherent in the way that each of these materials can be bent, cut or assembled to create their corner shapes.
Regulations for multi-level go-kart tracks will vary from city to city based on local building codes which can present some hassle for new business owners. Regulations may include ceiling height, clearance envelopes, structural and seismic analysis, installation requirements, fabrication testing and more. There is no internationally accepted standard for these tracks as of 2024 so we recommend speaking with your local government and planning offices for their requirements before placing a deposit for a track.
Why Choose a Multi-Level Track Design
Multi-level go-kart tracks offer a variety of benefits over a traditional single-level go-kart track design but there are a few drawbacks as well. The impact of these benefits can vary significantly based on the track design, the facility size, and the population and disposable income of your targeted market. We recommend conducting a feasibility study to determine what is required versus what is desired before placing your initial deposits. A single-level track design may offer a faster return on investment.
Some of the benefits include:
- WOW factor: Multi-level go-kart tracks are visually appealing to new customers who have never been karting before. The grandeur that large steel structures provide with karts racing over them is difficult to forget and are often shared organically on social media.
- Space Savings: Multi-level track designs can leverage the benefits of building vertically to reduce the ground-level area required for a go-kart track while providing a similar track length of a space nearly double in size.
- Elevated Fun: Multi-level tracks are fun for go-kart racers of all ages and skill levels as they race over, under or around each other and are a perfect anchor attraction for a Family Entertainment Center.
Some of the drawbacks include:
- Increased start up cost: Building a multi-level track requires a lot of material to safely engineer elevation change off of the ground level. These expenses can start at 2-4x higher than a single-level track design in the same amount of space.
- Increase maintenance: Maintenance on a go-kart barrier system is key to its safe operation. Multi-level tracks require additional safety inspections to the welds and fastener tightness to ensure the structural integrity of the system as a whole.
- Noise: Multi-level tracks and their structures can amplify the sound generated by a go-kart inside of your facility due to the materials used. This isn’t too large of an issue in large spaces with music but worth mentioning.
When opting for a multi-level go-kart track design, having a proper space plan available for your design team can make a world of difference. Multi-level go-kart tracks typically require a minimum of 10,000 square feet (930 square meters) for a multiactivity center where go-karts are just one of many attraction. Larger spaces are recommended for Arrive and Drive karting centers with track areas starting at 15,000 square feet (about 1400 square meters) though most locations opt for 25,000 square feet (2300 square meters) or more.
Protex Multi-Level Track Designs
Protex Multi-level track designs build on the concepts developed over more than 15 years designing single-level go-kart tracks for Arrive and Drive (A&D) karting centers around the world and apply them to the elevated designs as well. No frills, single-level design track layouts that are fun to drive provide an excellent starting point for exciting track designs built in the air.
Protex go-kart tracks leverage the OverUp modular structural design which allows for fast, easy manufacturing with no on-site cutting, welding or assembly. These structures are bolted together and feature installation times of 30 days or less at 90% of locations and rarely require additional footings to be placed. The advanced engineering of the OverUp multi-level structures also reduces the number of shipping containers required for each track installation, saving customers money.
Some of the key factors that make Protex Multi-level Track Designs unique include:
- 5.5 meter (18 feet) lane widths on the elevated structures are the widest in the industry today, allowing for higher speeds and greater passing opportunities
- “Waterfall” elevation changes allow for gradual changes in elevation where clear sightlines of the track in front AND below can be seen, helping to prevent kart-on-kart incidents.
- Modular OverUp structures can be moved or reused in the event that a track design or business relocation is needed. When you are ready to expand your track, we can even recycle these pieces into the new design minimizing out of pocket expenses.
- Birchwood track surfaces reduce the total weight of the structure compared to sheet metal, reducing the need for additional footings or anchor types and minimizing damage to the concrete foundation.
- Sound isolation bars are used to reduce the sound of go-karts driving overhead compared to sheet metal tracks creating an enjoyable experience for spectators, especially during birthday parties and corporate events.
Go-kart Barrier Safety
Many go-kart track businesses gather drivers from a wide variety of backgrounds and skill levels which require the utmost care when designing a go-kart track and safety system. Especially one that is elevated! The team at Protex specialize in customer safety and engineering to ensure that your business is safe and ready to race.
Protex Karting Barriers safety system for multi-level go-kart tracks use a variety of barrier types depending on the specific location and need. These systems have been shown to reduce the number of insurance claims and therefore insurance premiums while encouraging customers to test their driving skills without serious consequence.
The Protex karting barrier line up includes:
- Protex ground-based barrier uses springs that are 18 inches (about 40cm) long and mounted directly to the barriers to absorb the impact forces on the ground level track sections. This system has been shown to reduce the number of insurance claims and insurance premiums.
- Proflex barrier for corners with a radius as small as 4 feet (1.2 meters) and can be used with either springs or rubber blocks for hairpins or to wrap around columns.
- Softmax elevated barrier uses soft rubber D-blocks with no metal backing to allow for full impact absorption and travel compared to similar competitor brands.
Other key factors of the Protex Karting Barrier system that contribute to overall track safety include lower barrier height to increase visibility of drivers that need assistance and different color barriers to differentiate braking and turn-in spots.
Multi-level go-kart tracks are an exciting new opportunity and they have caught the attention of many new go-kart businesses around the world. The wide variety of benefits including space saving, advertising, and repeat business frequently outweigh the negatives of the increased start up cost and regulatory preparation in most major markets.
Multi-level go-kart tracks are perfect for Arrive and Drive karting business or Family Entertainment center locations that are looking to shrink their physical footprint while providing a comparable racing experience. They work incredibly well when integrating and interacting with other attractions like restaurants, indoor ziplines, mezzanines or observation decks to elevate the racing experience for drivers and spectators alike regardless of age.
Are you ready to get started on a multi-level go-kart track design for a new karting business? Contact the team at Protex by contactin for your no deposit track design and quote today!